Sunday, September 30, 2007
it is currently 5:20 am, and i am here to make an important announcement.
i have decided not to switch the computer on from mondays to fridays during the exam period, this this would be my last post for the week. or maybe my second last, i'll see what happens later.
so, do watch this space on friday the 5th.
and maybe the 6th and 7th,
i'll be blogging on the 10th (wednesday), the last day of exams.
btw annia's coming to study later at 1 ^^
maths tuition till 1130
and i'll be studying till tuition starts at 930.
oh btw i think i didn't do toooo badly for oral, but waiting so long was crap shit.
please read for more information, yes sheena blogged through the phone again lolol.
so yup, i'm going now.
and i find it super irritating that i'm just here for awhile [EARLY in the morning so that i won't get distracted later HELLO] and then my mom starts nagging and nagging about me using the com. yes i know i'm supposed to make use of time.
but if i ain't making use of time, why would i choose to blog in the morning, not switch on the computer for the following week, put away all the distracting things on my table, skip doing all the things i like? geesh.
i need some time to rest too please. not a studying machine that studies 24/7 RARHH.
a nicer word for super last minute mugger, anyone?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
for some reason or another, i've been slacking alot this year.
i dont know why.
its not my class' fault.
not my friends' fault, its seriously my own fault.
but, i don't know the reason!
nevermind about that, i'm am NOT, i emphasize, I AM NOT GOING TO SWITCH ON THE COMPUTER AFTER MY IPOD HAS BEEN CHARGED. [not one of those empty promises i've made for the past week]
there's no more time for me to waste, its 3 days away.
i seriously can't concentrate with the computer switched on, nope, nada, not at all.
so lets hope my wonderful ipod who has been working for me for the past 1++ year will continue to be a faithful pal and keep playing till the day ends!
TLL and NAFA mates, i won't be coming for english tuition and art classes this week; have fun
Friday, September 28, 2007
i took many photos at her house lol, its really fantabulous!
and she makes a good teacher too haha ^^
k i'm not going to blog for long, oral tomorrow and i'm going to study AMATHS now
beginning to have abit of hope for it, gogogogo! :D
anyway, i sms-ed felicia [she sits around 30 cm away from me], christina and ngik hiong during class today cause chenzehou was too boring -.-
chatting with ashley from the level below me at the same time, i've proven the fact that i'm quite good at multitasking yes?
bio was good, i love bio. history was a lesson with quite some hints :D
i'm not really in the mood to blog, i'm dead beat tired. thanks siyun for having me today.
and for exchanging bags with me and sharing food with me :D
i'll show you all the manymany photos from today and previously next time!
ray: hahaha they're sooo mean(:
{hahahaah yeah! but its very hilarious too!}
GB: lol!? yalah yalah i play cards in class AT RECESS lorh! supposed to be we're free to do anything de. Stupid tchr. and nice timetable, i'd rather wake at 12~2 then slp another 4 hrs lah xD
{oh brother used to get his confiscated too hmm, i normally do that, but your body is supposed to produce blood or replenish your blood from 11pm to 1am, so i would rather sleep then}
ngik hiong: hey! when did i say i am treating? lol. btw when did i even come into the pic?
{hahahaha! we volunteered you to treat ^^ you came into the picture while we were discussing :D and listen to songs! BECAUSE YOU LIVE, AND BREATHE, BECAUSE YOU MADE ME BELIEVE IN MYSELF WHEN NOBODY ELSE COULD HELP }
ray: yeah hahah $45 EACH,if noohoo joins us,it'll be $135 for her!(:ahahahah
{hahahahah YUP! noohoo join us and become broke man! ^^}
Thursday, September 27, 2007
starbucks greentea javachip blended is ♥ too!
cupcorn with butterandsalt is ♥
waffles with strawberryjam and butter is ♥
impact peachmints are ♥
m&ms are ♥
MY HANDPHONE is ♥ cause its verycool!
you see, you can blog photos through my handphone!
my boyfriend sheena was playing with my phone today, and she saw the "blog this" function.
i never dared to really press on it, but we decided to give it a try.
and guess what. after a while it came with this sms:
to edit your blog, use your computer to go to this page: claim token (type of password) : ****** [i'm not going to tell you the pass you dumbo] BLOG ADDRESS:
i just checked it out and it works! so cool hahahahaha! go check it out too yo!
actually, i think all sonyericsson cameraphones should have this function? or maybe all sonyericsson phones have this function hahaha!
anyway! i got the raspberryblackcurrent and annia got the greentea javachip! :D
lets eat the mango cheesecake ♥ next time okay! ^^
studying at annia's home is ♥♥♥♥♥♥
study dates are ♥♥♥♥♥♥
but wait, studying is
like wow, i can concentrate VERY WELL at her house i'm serious.
may cause her living room is very quiet and nice and cooling ♥
and there's this distracting thing next to me in my room,
even if i switch it off there's ALOT of distractions around me, RARR D:
anyway! i didn't stick to plan B yesterday.
i slept at 2:30 in the end, woke up at 6 am for STUDY DATES! ♥
i reached the earliest, cause i cabbed there haha!
it was kinda clever of me to take the cab, cause 5 mins after i got onto the cab, it started POURING
wheee yay~ and the taxi driver has a son in NS now and used to be in ahs haha!
the rain drenched my locker rarr,
nvm i just took my SS book and went down to 3H to wait for kaiying and ashley and anna!
thanks isabel low for teaching maths yo, you're a great teacher ^^
sorry and my ss sucks, didn't do much though haha, anna i love teasing you ;D
teased her like hell loads today HAHA. yes anna, anything to say? xDDDDD
school was well, school. nothing much, my head just hurt hell loads and i had to pop a tablet of panadol into my system. i'm sorry i've been hard on you liver, have fun taking months and years to completely "disgest" my panadol thankyou.
wait, did i tell you, panadol didn't work on me today? irritating, i shall sleep earlier
felicia says sleeping late gives you a higher chance of getting cancer in the future.
i'm VERY glad to hear that, please start thinking you're stupid if you really thought i was glad.
nothing to say lalala, i'm addicted to food and snacks i guess.
and of course, these hearts
oh and yingzhi! our oriental hotel 60bucks buffet ♥ haha!
and rayseen! our day out! yup, so rayseen and i were planning some whole day out thing cause we're craving for food, and NOOHOO ngikhiong, you're treating us ^^
prata ♥ at simpang in the morning!
running ♥ at bedok reservoir after that!
library after running;
sakae sushi ♥ after the library trip,
and we'll watch a movie to digest our food,
walk around and do whatever we like,
get hungry and tuck into a meal of DIN TAI FUNG ♥
thanks noohoo, total bill would be, as we calculated, 45 bucks :D
start saving okay, we'll make our dream come true hahaha!
hai i shall stop daydreaming,
i'll do some work now -.-
BYE ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
sleep at 11pm to 2am
start work at 2:30am and sleep again at 4:30am
wake up at 6:30 am and get ready for school.
yes i know its kinda irregular, but i can concentrate well at midmidmidmidnight x]
houkay lets see, assembly was wee-tar-ded today. like ohmygootnass, MOZART is weee twa dwed D:
the whole thing was just retarded -.-|||
drwongsusan was pro as usual though :D
morning assembly was hilarious, drboon asked students to encourage each other.
and as usual, the guys were bullying cheongheng. yes i don't know him personally, but i bet the entire school knows him now o.O anyway, they were like,
give me a C-cheong! H-heng! Cheonghengcheongheng .. [i can't remember the rest]
and they started cheering like crazy -.-
oh, and then "give me an A-anglican! H-high! S-school! anglicanhighschool! [that made drboon super happy]
i (or rather, everybody) find it super amusing HAHA. everything also cheongheng. volunteer, awards. blahblah -.-||
and i still remember it was a monday or tuesday this week, we were sitting in class cause it was raining, it was before the national anthem, suddenly there was this super loud "cheer" that sounded much like a riot. cheonghengheng again -___-
and assembly was the same, and after assembly drboon went to find him HAHA. oops, don't know what happened after that, but he's a poser HAHAA.
okay i feel wee tarded -.-
and i love emaths a MILLION times more than amaths! ;D
BIO is love ofcourse, and mygosh i actually had MC for a geog paper?!?!?
ohmygodxxx my daddy's coming back tomorrow! and this time he'll be staying longer~
one week whee, but its my exams... -.-
COOLER and more FUN than FRIENDSTER i swear! ;D
and if you have facebook, do add me so i'll have a nicer friend wheel -.-|||
and i'm addicted to facebook stickers! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
and superpoking people hahaha!
ANYWAY, its home with
RIANE [wagglesticks ♥],
KAIYING [kaikai ♥],
ANNIA [dearest ♥],
SIYUN [the lame ♥],
ASHLEY [the huachi ♥],
JIAYING [the lovely ♥],
whoops do you all like your new nicknames haha! i know riane and kaiying and annia does ^^
see! their favourite colours! actually kaiying/siyun what colour do you all like D:
okay nevermind i'm lame, anniasiyun got off at simei, riane and i got off at tampines and kyashjy went to pasirris!
okay so riane and i bought bubbletea♥ Applegreen tea!
and impact and m&ms! :DDDDD
okay, i'm off :D byebye!
its studying in school EARLY IN THE MORNING WITH
kaiying [kaikai] anna [black/white] jiaying [the lovely] ashley [the huachi] and hmm, terie [terible] please come! :D and of course emma [tehgreat]
ohyay muggers HAHA, i'm so in the mood to give NICKNAMES -.-
something lame, so do la fa meegoreng o.O so don't say i'm bad anymore! D: [its ambiguous]
oh, and i'm like addicted to:
JENNY! by theclickfive!
THNKS FR TH MMRS! by falloutboy!
WHAT HURTS THE MOST! by rascal flatts!
OVER IT! by katherine mcphee!
GOOD DAY! by theclickfive!
BECAUSE YOU LIVE! by jesse mccartney!
hoho, so its english songs for the time being hur!
okay i'm really going. study plan B here i come! :D
cass: heys... all the best of EOY:) cyas
{haha thanks! all the best to you too! ♥}
ngik hiong: YES midnight and after midnight's the best time to study! all the best for eoy

{hahaha YUP okayokay i'm sleeping soon, all the best too, i'm screwed}
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
oops now i'm in the mood to TALK ALOT.
aye concentrate la what, i was online at 3am yesterday pro ^^
rest of the time i appeared offline :D
kowtow to me i shall appearoffline after i finish my three conversations -.-|||
ray: hahah BROWN is you FAVOURITE colour.I KNOW IT,&i do!(:
{haha of course BROWN owns. white and brown owns yo! and yay you like it too!}
GB: hie taggs. hmms nvm lah. At least next time everyone'll be more careful when handling phones. cheer up =D
{my phoneeeeeeeeeeee. RARR i'm still damn sad okay! houkay i tagged you already yo. chem zzzz}
ashley: LOL dun worry siyun nv knws if any1 pissed wif her xD
{LOL i shall tell her im pissed and beat her butt 19 times for the 19 dents and then i'll forgive her. GWAZARRRR D:}
bel: sending luck to you for your eoy! it's coming real soon yeah ]:
{hahaha i'll send it back yo isabel! GOODLUCK! :DDD}
yay tags really appreciated much hahaha! :DDDDD
hello world, its 4 am now, i think i'm crazehhhh.
i was tired at 11+ so i slept, and jerked up at 245 like omg -.-
maybe i'm too stressed i fell asleep while studying, hah.
i'm pretty much screwed, revision's bad, my head hurts and ahhh. but i can't sleep now D:
i think i'll continue with some maths and sleep at 5am or something.
i think i can seriously concentrate best in the morning, like now. 430 am.
ohyeah, people love sleeping late like me!
at 3am there's still 12 people online and its 4:30 am and there's still 6 people online
very pro. if i hadn't slept from 11+ to 245 i would have died/will die in school D:
well anyway! i should wake up early to do maths cause i can like do almost everything now yeeehaw!
okay nevermind. 4:50am; my brain is DEAD. nope i can't do anymore maths or i'll just die.
goodnight/goodmorning whatever you call it, seeyou in school two hours later -.-
{post fully edited} emoshitzz all GONE D:
Please be careful while handling my phone thankyou cause its currently dented and scratched much cause tay siyun dropped it on the gravelpavement thankyouverymuch D:
Gwazarr I’m sad really sad, and I’m pissed too rarrr D: RARRRRRRRRRR
Cutie: HEYZ. lol. jiayou for eoys... (:
{hello patrick star! ^^ THANKYOU! yours 1 week after mine right haha! GL TOO!}
anqi: get well soon mama! jiayouz for EOY (X
{thankyou QIQI~ i'm okay now! jiayou and gl to you dear! seeyou loves!}
i appreciate tags much cause its dead D:
Bye, (synonym of cup)-ing time xD
Monday, September 24, 2007
looks like alot of people in 3L has caught the flu rawrrr.
and we got into loads of troubles/scoldings/pissing teacher incidents -.-||
ngik hiong: hey emma...get well soon

{thankyou ngikhiong! :DDDD}
leongying`: get well emma!
{thankyou leongying! you alright too right}
bel: emma get well soon and allTHEbest for eoys coming real soon! x(
{thanks isabel! all the best to you too :DDDDD}
baochuan: haha get well soon! ;D
{hahaha thanks! and hoho let all the 3L people with flu getwell too lol D:}
HIGHLYRETARDED: rainbow coloured medicine rocks~! ;D
{HAHA yup! they're nice and colourful wheeee~~}
okay, you'll see me in a few days, when i've proven myself that
Friday, September 21, 2007
i hate white antibiotics cause they're THIS bitter.
shucks, and i heard celebration for mooncake festival was fun
kinda expected it to be fun, seems like i missed out loads
phagocytes quick kill the viruses! lysosomes quick secret enzymes! D:
rawrrrr. purple medicine is weird too.
makes you distracted, so, start disintegrating yourself or something my dear computer;
i love you and i'll be back to take care of you dear.
after the exams. after the exams. after the exams.
ohmy that was SO amusing, nope, no american slang intended,
my no computer policy starts....MONDAY!
meanwhile i'll find time to paint the retarded duck for art -.-
my throat hurts my nose is blocked i feel cold and weak and tired,
and guess what, its a week to exams D:
oi, damn you body ): i think the mooncakefestival thing would actually be kinda fun, its my only chance celebrating with classmates anyway.
but here i am, feeling unwell, and going to the doctor's soon D:
RAWRRR. i'm very sad too, and get well christina!
left school with her cause her neck was sprained, get well girl! and jiaying/whoever's sick too!
hoho believe or now, I DRANK 5 BOTTLES OF WATER TODAY -.-
each 500 ml, so i kept going to the toilet HAHAHA.
eh i can't remember anything much like seriously,
i got nothing funny to post yet D:
brain blockage is bad. bad. bad
oh YES. i found something.
she go everywhere do retarded actions, help people raise hands in the air and stuff. super hilarious. we were all giggling like mad. and mr hu/hoo is super hilarious okay!
oh, and mr poh was fascinated with weyjian's BARNEY LANTERN. those inflatable ones, and there's this switch at the handle and it starts singing. the barney's very cute, and ain't mr poh the barney x]
i'll post again if i remember something roar.
1/2 hour more to doctor trip D:
with a TERRIBLE sorethroat and RUNNYNOSE! D:
whatever about that!
hahahaha we were damn surprised to see her there o.O
okaye, ashley kaiying and I had LUNCH at PIZZA HUT [yes its the love ^^]
of course i took AGES to decide what to eat, and ashley counted the number of times i put the fork in and out of mouth AGAIN! ):
i had chicken ole baked rice and we rolled our eyes at each other cause we saw a super spoilt kid next to us that said "pontannn" haha. "today my birthday! so you should give me that!"
i swear my kids would be well mannered okay ^^
after pizza hut i got my favourite GREENTEA mooncake from bengawan solo and then to NTUC to buy my
i'm in urgent need of strepsils or else i'll die and you'll never see me again D:
right whatever. it seems like i have eaten almost ALL of the sweets on the shelves. of course, i feed on sweets, SWEETS, and SWEETS during lessons, and have become the sweet provider for the retarded club oO
bytheway, our school is retarded.
why am i digressing!
anyway we went up and went to WALLET SHOP. bumped into nicole and her friend,
and we saw the le coq sportif bag.
me: "mrchua has this bag! *points* me and terie were like shocked to see him carry a poser bag houkay!"
kaiying: "haha yeah i saw!"
anyway, we walked out of the shop still talking about mrchua's amazing bag...
ashley: "eh, turn around *gives weird look*"
and we turn around and saw..........
mdm sim -.-||||||||
kaiying "*whispers* just now i turn around thought its an old malay auntie leh!"
ashley "*whispers* she just say like, EHHHH talk what talk!"
[duh, typical mdmsim to say EHHHH]
blahblah she talked to us for awhile.
mdmsim: "so where you all stay"
me: "*points to my left* i can walk home by that way yup"
mdmsim: "what that way! *points to row of shops: OP, swarovski etc.* you stay there arh"
me: "*-.-||*"
mdmsim: "*looks at me and the rest* my geog student leh"
me: "UHHH, i live at...*thinks* the...WEST from where i'm standing"
kaiying: "northwest"
mdmsim: "AIYERR i don't want talk to you already!" [cause i got the directions wrong]
then i can't remember the rest. mdm sim. is. spastic and retarded.
oh, then i was like HENG ah, lucky she weren't there when we were talking about her man [of course its negative stuff about her being so spastic and all]
she was waving her hands in the air today like, UHHHH -.-
k i have no time BYE, i'm doing the retarded changwensuoduan.
oh and czh is weird sense of propaganda D:
oh and the school's retarded to have some mooncake festival thing.
ngik hiong: yay!!!!! thanks emma!!!! u r such a wonderful person. love ya...muackz
{hahaha welcome i love you too! :DDDD}
ray: OOPS,I THINK I'LL be DOOMED.awwwwwwwanw why is jiayu a scorn head?(:
{it'll be okay la ray, you didn't nothing much anyway! and she's a skonhet, and it sounds like scorn head! xD}
ashley: =X sry laa =X
{k la, i'm not that angry la, apology accepted ^^}
anqi: hurhurhur yr teacher is horny (X
{hahahaha yesyesyes VERY horny i'm not sexcited! xD}
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
i slept from 7:46 to 10:00 cause i had a splitting headache rarh D:
i just wasted like 2 hours and 14 minutes of my precious time. ohwell, today was a
wonderful day! ;D [actually, i realised most blogposts say its a WONDERFUL DAY today -.-]
the s-words pretty much sums up my day.
1) anything but shitty
well, that's easy, cause today's a nice day! :D
2) stupid and silly[in a good way]
in a sense, retardation, craziness!
3) sleepy [most of the time when i'm not talking oO]
i ALMOST fell asleep during compre test D:
4) sick [physically and mentally]
SEL lessons, and my headaches.
5) "sexcited" [according to mrs mohan, but i found it super funny]
hahaha, when we were talking about premarital sex today, she asked if the guys were "excited", or rather, "sexcited" HAHAHAHA.
6) super! ;D
whacky and well, WONDERFUL?
7) sensual and sexy and superficial
SEL lessons again, sensual as in voluptuous, erotic and raunchy. what else can you say about a topic like pms? [HAHA, i just realised premenstrual syndrome is PMS too -.- nevermind, i meant premaritalsex] [hoho, and voluptuous reminds me of MRS ELIZABETH YEO! the tll teacher last time, she won the most voluptuous teacher award last time xD] sexy is self-explanatory, and superficial, cause breast implants are stupid and superficial! waste of money and its dangerous eek!
8) surprising [hoho, surprising tests? -.-]
hurhur. compre test. -.- woah mustang and tibet shat, zzz -.-
9) scorn head
that's jiayu for you ;D don't ask me why, HAHA. scorn head and the aluminium fountain ^^
10) stimulating [its another word for interesting and inspiring you goon/pervert!]
inspiring and interesting morning devotion! only time understands love yo~
11) spicy [yes, i put ANOTHER spoonful of chilli into my prawn noodles]
if you want to link it to SEL lessons too, go ahead. i was referring to real chilli though xD i'm addicted to one spoonful of chilli every meal -.-
12) senseless
ofcourse, i was being totally retarded today. maybe some people are beginning to think i'm crazy .__.
13) spotless?
i've got no words to describe geog lessons, all we did was copying, and we kept the class quite clean today i guess.
14) slow .__.
yes, i was being a lagger T.T at most stuff hahahaha!~
15) secretive!
due to the fact that alot of people got fascinated by kaiying's wonderful birthdaypresent, the postsecrets book! its a wonderful book really, lets post a secret next time! ;D
well highlights,
SEL lessons again HAHA,
i still find "sEXCITING" very FUNNY HAHAHAHHA!
oh to sum the story up, a clever girl had pms with a stupid evil beastly with took a video of their SI [figure out this acronym] and it circulated everywhere and made the girl sad. end of story.
stupid evil beast of a boyfriend i say. she trusted him and he made use of it. how terrible.
well, GERM-AI-NE was tying my hair during sel, and i have a lopsided bun on my head hahahaha. i'll most the phone one day, i told you i don't have time to slowing connect the cable to my phone and slowly upload the photos. daddy quick get me the bluetooth thing! D:
anyway, ashley the stupid [ashley nicole leong en xin YOU read this] and i mean real stupid,
PANGSEH-ed me.
when she was the one who SUGGESTED to go home with me today.
"emma go home with me today okay! ^^"
"haha okayokay!"
so i called her after school, and guess what!
"hello ashley, where are you?"
"huh i'm with xinhui and yeni"
"huh orh okay, where ar, i come down find you"
"huh i walking down the hill already"
"EH WHAT?! you PANGSEH seh"
"huh i walking down already"
*remains silent for around 30 seconds*
*remains silent for 30 seconds too*
then she said byebyebyebye,
and i got pissed so i anyhow said bye and put down phone ^^
nevermind, kaiying says "aiyar, ashley everytime pangseh de la"
so i'll calm down and dao her. rarr.
so, i waited for NOOHOO cause she was waiting for her friend too.
waited damn long so we decided to go to the 4th storey,
and saw nicole there.
and we started reading the postsecrets book. HAHAHA ohmy, nicole, you're a VERY polluted person and your vocabulary is gay. she knows EVERYTHING.
anyway, there's this secret that says:
"my wife says she's seen smaller ones, but i think she's just being nice"
below was a picture of sausages.
nicole took a look, laughed like mad. it was after she started laughing that i realised what it was about, and its the 3rd time i'm reading it -.-
but ngik's reaction was more classic.
"huh? what? i don't get it! i still don't get it! D:"
LOL stay pure noohoo, just don't be like [removed cause i'm super nice, and noohoo asked me to remove his name] xD JOKING.
stayed till liukaiying's remedial was over, and i went down with both of them.
in the canteen, i saw jiayu and xiquan and kaiying.
so i doodled on jiayu's paper. SORRY JIAYU D:
drank chocolate milk ate oheya! ^^
anyway, jiayu's phone camera was at the front, and i didn't notice.
*picks up camera and attempts to snap a photo of kaikai*
while the camera loads....i was expecting to see kaiyng's face
and when it finally loaded...
i swear i got a SHOCK of my life and went like, "AHHH!"
so we walked home and me and kaikai "pangseh-ed" jiayu and xiquan
HAHAHAHA suprahh fun, and i suck at throwing oheya into kaikai's mouth
it landed on the floor 5 times.
it hit her specs 2 times.
it hit her face 3 times.
it hit her teeth 2 times.
tell me im' pro-ded. apparently jesse did that -.-
we were about to cross the road, we saw jesse and he said 'your aiming sucks -__-'
so kaiying was like "shutup lar!" xDDDD
and oh, kaikai saw "minle" as "minnie" then she was like, o.O HUH who's that man!
and then seconds after that annia smsed me too :D
woah today's a scandalous day yo, i caught ANNA LIM in the act too
houkay, i realised i act as myself [maybe the SUPER CRAZY and RETARDED version]
when i'm with my 2d mates.
or rather,
the bowling girls [annia, anna, alicia, kaiying, ashley], jiayu and isabel ^^
ohwell, if you girls are reading this, I LOVE YOU ALL.
and i know noohoo loves a [removed name, my name will do] :D
and know I LOVE BIO
anqi: hey mama! long time no tag haha the lady who playe clare du lune was amazing 0.0
{hi qiqi! haha yup, she's PRO! the guy who played reverie too! :O amazanggg people!}
ada`: lol! fancy saying hi t me 8 times in a day. Emma is so silly

{hahahah oops it was 2 xD emma is entertaining houkay! xD takecare love! seeyou~!}
Brenda: Hello! zZz, I have to start climbing 5 floors everyday again

{hello! yeah D:, 5th storey is zzzzz, but ohwell, at least both 3L and 3K won't be bored xD}
why am i blogging? don't know. i'm looking at the PHOBIALIST.
check it out haha, super funny, and i've got LOADS of photos to upload after exams!
bye! nights!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
first comes pomegranate with cranberry.
then comes pomegranate with grapes.
and now, pomegranate with SOYA BEAN!?!
i doubt it'll taste nice, but definitely nicer than vitagen collagen. that drink is horrible. it destroys your taste buds i swear.
i'm a happy girl now.
this morning, i woke up at 6:30 and played the piano.
being very fascinated with the song Reverie by claude Debussy, i've decided to self learn the piece first, since we're basically focusing on the B1 song during lessons currently.
i'm rather glad, though there still aren't expression and there's still manymany wrong notes. its a veryvery nice song, go find the link in my previous post!
i ended up doing nothing besides eating before my maths tuition started.
i kinda fell asleep and suddenly thought of my friend's name while writing cosintan formulas.
tell me i'm incredible, i've got 2 more weeks to exams, and i need to FOCUS.
i'm planning to ignore the temptations of the irresistable devil in my computer beckoning me to his side. we'll see if that'll work.
there was art class today, and my design is bloody.
a bloody duck strangled to death by an overstressed being in a bloody background.
the shade of red is probably too much for anybody to take, so i think i'll add some toning or cooler colours to it, or it'll scare people away.
there's many fabulous designs from the morning class, i just think our class's not focused enough yup.
but pufang's was still (Y) [have i caught onto this thing already], and naomi's she draws humans [any almost anything] very well yup. and i'm amazed by her sentence "i cleaned my brushes with my shirt cause i couldn't find a rag"
that sent me gawking at her in total shock and horror, :O
not to forget the time about the skittles o.O
nevermind, i'll find a way to make my design better i guess.
xiner and i decided to tuck into a nice meal [maybe not] of oreo chessecake, it was fantabulous, creamy, full of texture, sweet, smooth and crunchy at the same time. the biscuit bottoms practically crumbles when you sink your fork into it, while the cheese mixed with oreo's just full of flavour. i've pretty much enjoyed it, but the service was like, rarr D: we're students doesn't mean we can't sit on the beanbag seats OR the seats in the aircon cafe. BRRR.
We had to eat it in a rush though, cause xiner's mom was there in no time.
and it was my usual trip home, with a snowskin mooncake, my book, handphone, ipod, frozz sweets to accompany me.
its raining now, and i've got to bathe.
lets see if i can make use of time properly.
15th september
becky: Hi Emma! =)
{hi rebecca! and yup i'm reminded to link you soon! :D}
m le: thanks eh. for cheering me up (:
{haha welcome, though i didn't do much D:}
emma: lol welcome, though i didn't do much D:
{oops, i said that already? xD}
m le: nice ppl like u deserve a squint.nxt time u will get it.wahaha
{you shall squint and i shan't. xDD oh thanks i'm nice, so did you have a nice time watching the stupid stupid show o.O}
emma: LOL i didn't get a squint on friday xD whee okay eat more chocs hahaha
{oh yes i didn't, chocs are love yay!}
m le: dont sian choc? later u grow FAT.
{i'm not sian now wheeee! ^^ i ate alot already, won't get fat lalalala}
emma: i don't grow fat no matter what i eat xDDD and eee chem so sian. DARK CHOCS!
{yay for you emma! i'm not a glutton D: and dark chocs are heavenly yes!}
16th september
leongying`: THAT WAS A LONG POST EMMA hahaha STUDY PLAN FAILED. anyway my dad said i'm not allowed to go unless i do DAMN IT WELL for eoys.
{haha yeahhh. i realised my blogposts are always longggg. hai mine's failed too, i'll study chem nowww! goodluck for your eoys then! :DDD vienna yooo!}
and can somebody please tag me so that i'll have more than one tag for today? :D
Saturday, September 15, 2007
it just happens that i've had many interesting sightings today.
while i take my time to list them out, why don't you get yourself a chocolate bar from the fridge?
on the mrt, i saw a girl wearing the same shoes as me [the white one from mondo with a ribbon oO],
another girl with the same jacket as me [the white and brown one],
another girl with the same tank as me [same shade of pink x.x].
....and if you think that's not freaky enough, i counted 2 other people in my row [on the mrt] with an ipod nano like mine.
- i came back from dinner just now, and was greeted by the song "i'm lovin' it" by justin timberlake. i was then reminded then to charge my ipod, only to discover that i've not switched it off after returning home 2 hours ago. FREAKY thing was, it was playing "i'm lovin' it" as well, i looked at the timing, it was playing at 2 minutes 31 seconds. i turned to my computer. 2 minutes 29 seconds. tell me, am i being followed by a spirit?
speaking of spirit, i am reminded of the word zeitgeist. it means spirit of the age, and have been told NOT to forget the word since its a wonderful word. we've learnt it during tuition a week ago [ofcourse, nobody knew, and the reactions were "really?" "got learn meh?" and "forget already". expected, ofcourse. i'm included]
yes, onto my "sightings"..
- i saw a gay man talking on the phone, with a tote bag hung on his right shoulder. his voice was like oh-so-gentle, and his shirt was very tight x.x
actually, he sounded abit like mr yao [is that how you spell his name? the one who makes announcements]
i got kinda..irked out so i decided to bite the head off a gummy bear.
- i counted 3 women today who wore tight tops that has a cut so low, i can see half the surface area of their boobs. not intentionally, i'm not a pervert. i just happened to look up while reading and poom, it just appeared before me. weird people...
- i've noticed most women wear sandals or heels, with jeans and a tight top, their bags are kinda gigantic!
girls my age [or up till 21] usually wear jeans and pumps/flats/sneakers with a tunic, tank or just any teeshirt, oh, with hairbands too. i realised we're the only age group that are entitled to wear almost anything.
older ahmas wear flowery tops with loose pants and plastic slippers, their earrings are usually jade or gold, and their hair is curly wurly.
-boys wear practically the same things, caps, watches, slingbags, jeans, pants, tshirts.
- i've noticed a number of extremely tall people that made me sad ):
- i discovered i'm attracted to anybody with big eyes and nice dressing, regardless of gender.
- i got attacted to this dress that belonged to a girl. i'm determined to find it, its not those flowy swishing swashy twirly whirly kinda dress, its those that reach your thigh at mid length, its kinda straight cut and had a collar, a few buttons and a thin belt at the waist. actually it reminded me of military wear, of course it was much prettier. i got attracted by another attire, a stiped polo tee that was amazingly pretty, not a normal polo tee you get from hangtan. it was paired with a white skirt that was mid-thigh length too. very simple dressing but it somehow looked very nice on the girl. maybe she's tall and i'm not.
- i found a girl wearing a tie! ^^
- i have found a reason to agree with what my teacher says, emma has to learn to focus on her tasks at hand. how am i supposed to focus on my book while making so many observations?
- i believe i'm the only person in my row that has a packet of gummy bears [and is addicted to it]
- i got scolded by a man for saying sorry without a smile when his son STOMPED on my shoes with his grey CROCS. hello, my toes are hurting [not laughing, inside joke HAHA] from his stomp and you scold me for saying sorry without a smile D: i'm really sad cause i didn't mean to not smile, but i was feeling down then ):
- i have prove to say i love spending. i MUST buy something [even if just a packet of gummybears or a lollipop] everytime i go out. [even if its after tuition, not a shopping trip]
- i've discovered a MUNCHY DONUT branch at UNITED SQURARE! hurray, i'll buy donuts everyweek from now on (:
digressing, i'm currently attatched to a book called
"without consent" by kathryn fox i borrowed from the library trip with ashley.
i don't think it'll look appealing to you, for the cover is scrawled with bloody fonts and a scapel and blotches of blood everywhere, but it made me realise I DON'T WANT TO BE A LAWYER.
they don't do justice to the world, they accept the wrongdoings of rapers just because the victim does not have enough evidence, and they haven't eaten their lunch and they want to earn money.
not all lawyers are like that, i know. but the one in the book is, thus it gave me a strong urge to blog about it. i was greatly agitated that no justice had been done to the victim, raped while being unconscious from drugs. she woke up naked in a hotel with no recollection of anything. her classmates did that to her, and there the lawyer was, defending them. i'm still agitated! D:
anyway, tuition went fine, the teacher asked sharyn if she's infected yet, by our laziness and unattentiveness i think. i'll agree to the point. i remember being "infected" by my TLL friends back in mrs elizabeth yeo's class. i used to be a girl who handed in all her homework D:
piano was fabulous, i love the way i'm learning about the composers now, if its just a tad bit of information. no more boring exam pieces, no more rigidness in the lessons, now i'm finally free to learn new piece and get to know more composing styles.
i'm learning debussy's reverie [click on link for a nice version of it.]
the pianist's good. it'll take me 1000000000 years to play like this -.-
and clair de lune, meaning moonlight.
MUST CLICK! its beautiful music for studying hahaha! and the guy who played it looks funny x.x
i've been told debussy's works give you a very special feeling, sorta dreamland-y. its true, for it uses alot of pedals and pentatonic scales and many tie notes. i'm determined to learn these songs, somehow.
bytheway, i was tested on debussy for my g8 aural, when asked on possible composers, i answered debussy AND bartok. hope i don't get deducted for saying bartok, even though its 20th century music, the style i was tested on was obviously debussy's. oh save me. my piano exam is GONE.
but i hope to fail, cause my mummy says i can't retake if i pass.
I DON'T WANT A PASS. but i'm certain i'll get either a just pass/fail for this.
which means, if i want a merit or dist, i'll have to retake AFTER THE O'LEVELS.
i want to retake! D:
i'm being random. I LOVE MY LIMEGREEN PEN! :D
that's all for the day, i can't stand sad things as much as i can't stand studying for tests.
i'm off, i'll be back, and i've stocked up a supply of quiz results for emergency purposes, when i'm out of juice, that is.
bye, my mom's nagging
Friday, September 14, 2007
its my 333rd post,
i'm sad i'm not typing this at 3:33 cause my mom said i can't sleep after one anymore.
at least till the exam period ends.
not that i think i'll really follow, hmm.
lets see, i can't recall anything special today, just that i ate 3 bowls of fishball noodles with extra spoonful of chilli.
and that we'll have to come back to school next friday and stay till 10pm for the mooncake festival celebration with the school,
and almighty mrpoh is giving us yet another get together session from 2:15 to 4:15
that's what he calls making use of time.
on the other hand, i'm pretty excited.
the choir has gained full support from boon for the choir trip
TO VIENNA and PRAGUE for approx. 8 days.
yes, i'm not kidding. and no, you're not dreaming.
to join the competition, yes. an international one.
i'm feelin hyped up.
my mummy has miraculously agreed to let me go,
and now i'll let my results do the talking.
mrtan wants to set the minimum L1R5 at 12 for the secfours'08,
we'll see how. i'll just work hard for my europe :D
now boon finally understands the sports is not exactly our niche area.
so quit it with her "centre of excellence for sports" thing at the top of the general office building thanks.
okay so now she understands that the choir is actually doing better.
we'll see when the results come, i'm not too sure if the trip's still on though.
i finished a bowl of noodles in 15 minutes!
and went home with RIANE CHIA after choir.
riane goh you're gay haha! and i really want to go! D:
thanks for lending the book to me ky!
seriously i'm running out of juices.
Cutie: HEY! (: im envious of ur tagboard... =(((
{haha you don't have to get envious of it, its always dead too rarr D: anyway, HEY! :D}
GB: hahas lol hmmms. tag mie lahhh. and lol i forgot the space in zzz ah~~~~~~~!
{tag already la haha}
ashley: ... i hv maths lesson wif the great master as my class (e name my class mocks poh wif =X) .. 9.3 to 12 on a sat mornin.
{yeahman goodluck with get together. great master as your class! sigh he loves get togethers D:
i'll be having piano lessons while you do maths and trogo xD oops no suan la haha. ONCE UPON A DECEMBER!}
Thursday, September 13, 2007
when they're in their uniform. oh did i mention its a NURSE.
a nurse kissing on the escalator. thanks man, what if a tourist sees HUH.
oh, in your school uniforms too, although its not THAT bad.
but wait, its still bad cause you'll get stares hahahahah.
well anyway, while most people are at simpang eating their PRATAS, or sleeping like pigs on their warm cosy beds, guess what 3L was doing...
having amaths get together with our wonderful mrpoh.
from 7:40 - 9:00
ohmy, at this rate we'll all die of maths of something.
but surprisingly, i discovered i can do maths from 7:40 to 9:00!
nothing special today, just that i got whacked by czh for playing scissors paper stone with felicia under the table..
and it was chongrui's birthday today, and people said he got raped, his body was drawn on, he was oiled, he was pillared, and he was given hot pink crocs.
too bad i was at the canteen, ahhhh D:
well, i wasn't there, that's what i heard haha.
i pity boys when it comes to the time of the year where they celebrate their birthday D:
nothing much happened really, except i got called to go out of the classroom by mrs mohan and i got shocked :O
ohwell its kinda good news. maybe i should really write descriptive essays during exams or something haha!
well, lets reply to tags first.
12th september
ray: eeyy he sucks lah.hahaha,cool.
{hahha your cool effects yo. so how was today! tell me about it man!}
ngik hiong: i want a hamster too!!!!! but mum dun let coz she say alrd got rabbit

{hamsters are SOOO cute right! x] rabbits are cute too la! ^^}
13th september
Flameworks: lol hamsters run around the house if they get loose and eat everything down.. rarr..
{you don't have a hamster eee scammer haha! hamsters don't eat everything down, they're as cute as spongebob! teachers are damn cool hahahah!}
ray: BOY,IM DRAINED.dead
{i'm drained too rarrr!}
m le: helloooooo. stop squinting at me. wahaha
{hellooooooo! you squinted first anyway WAHAHAAHA lol. compare eye size yo! and we've been doing that since...tuesday i think LOL}
GB: dw stop rarr-ing everywhere u go. u'r not a doggy are u. *pets dw* nice doggy. and zzzah my blog is dying lol
{LOL! nice statement, but ZZZAH isn't much better, unless its meant as zzz ah LOL. k i'll be so NICE as to tag hahahaa}
m le: u win lah.i think ur eyes are like small can.
{haha whatever la D: it looks super small with specs maybe haha!}
emma: M LE YOUR EYES ARE AS SMALL AS MINE OKAY! anw squint at each other we can't see each other oO annia win la hahaha
m le: then we combine lah.then annia sure lose de
{HAHAHAHA. combined then can win her zzz. abit pathetic haha!}
emma: hahahaha combine become damn BIG yayy hahaha. aye why are we comparing eye size xD anyway mine's still bigger ;D
{okay actually its not really bigger -.-}
m le: big doesnt mean its good ok.dust goes in more easily
{got eyelashes can le la! trap dust like camels haha. and got wider scope of vision!}
emma: LOL got long eyelashes big eyes also nevermind~ camel yo. nevermind big eyes cannotplay squinting game oO
m le: dont play with u le.i go sleep.good night.
{lolol k end of game then, goodnight. it'll start tomorrow ahahahahaha}
Flameworks: flamed like flameworks, noobs!
{nobody flamed nobody, NYEH. noobs and gays say NYEH. xDD you're supposed to go like, nyeh, flamed like flameworks, HAHA oO}
k i'm done with posting its 12:02 now xD
byebye nights!
and i shall upload ALOT of photos one day!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
too bad it ain't september 11th already, its a rather nice day actually.
i'm not sleeping yet cause i fell asleep from 6 to 830 just now hah.
i have LOADS of stuff to post about today;
but somehow i think i shouldn't. blogs shall wait.
well but anyway, leongying's finished her piano exams, congrats girl.
i felt how you're feeling now, relieved and happy yes! i went shopping at parkway after that too! x]
cabbed down with graceeee and i met her 3 times at tampines mall HAHAHA!
germ ai ne has an IOU note for me,
terie get well soon!,
i love sweets manymany,
mdmsim's undergoing menopause,
we disappointed mrs mohan,
czh seems not very happy with me,
mrpoh's disappointed with 3L,
we all love lingmengtablets,
exams are around the corner.
countdown 3 weeks minus 2 days. D:
AND I WANT A HAMSTER. the baby hamster i saw at whitesands yesterday! :D
YINGZHI: i feel terrible bringing home all the apples today cos i realised that its acttally alot of people din know then din take but not they don't want then din take.
{yingzhi its seriously okay! its just apples la, and i'm sure most people don't mind and will forget about it anyway! ^^}
ray: hahah hello emma xD
{hello crazy rayseen! xD}
well, nights i guess. i'll be sleeping in another hours' time.
old dymos and coloured strips! :D
Sunday, September 09, 2007
oops, nobody did cause i figured nobody [including me] enjoys reading loonnngggg posts HAHAHA.
i just like typing them out [and wasting alot of time in the process]
toldya i'm a detailed person rawr D:
lets see, i'm sitting in front of the computer, somehow my manymany inspirations to write something interesting [besides my daily life] is..LOST -__-
bytheway, i get my inspirations from the bathroom. miraculously, the shower seems to give me new ideas to start my blogposts :D [not those on my daily life again]
{btw, random fact. i've dumped LOADS of sugar into my body system these days.
here's my sugar tracking list for saturday:
approx. 6 tablets of anqi's impact lime sweets [thanks anqi]
a box of nerds [they contain 50 grams of sugar]
four marks and spencer toffee [very sweet and fattening]
approx. 20++ tablets of clorets mints
marigold fuji apple jelly
a bottle of peel fresh vegetable juice
a bottle of yakult
half a bar of marks and spencer turkist delight chocolate
2 bars of kinder bueno
1 ferrero rocher
2 cubes of chocolate
a cup of soya bean milk
2 pineapple tarts
a cup of sugar cane juice [i think they soak the cane in sugared water]
and i'm sure all our dishes contain sugar.
i'm sorry kidney/liver for making you guys work so hard D:
i'm happy i eat SO MUCH and don't really grow sideways [but not upwards either -.-]
lets be careful of the amount of sugar in my bloodstream, i'm wasting loads of energy on HOMEOSTASIS i suppose. thanks man, i'm learning bio now}
maybe one day i'll change this into a non-dear diary format kinda blog.
and i'll post more pictures [i'm normally rather lazy and busy to do so]
ohyeah hear me crap, i'm free from art class today, and i'm learning new songs for piano! :D
choir has temporarily stopped [hurray!]
my life's mundane i guess, i haven't started mugging so i'll start now. after this post
i don't have anything to type, so lets just reply to tags. they're the easiest.
and please tag, my blog's DEAD D: and thanks to those who tagged~
anqi: hihi mama! wow how long do you take to post? 0.0
{lol one hour plus! D: and boobie i like your impact lime mints! ;]}
kaiying: the first person that xiaoyu sees eachtime she enters the future will be the one that can see her, yup. and THANKYOU EMMA for the cute bottle of hearts! lol i read all the crap messages alr hahaha

{lol i see! and WELCOME KAIYING ^^ although you can't tell they're hearts if i didn't tell you i think. and hoho, they're really crap messages yes xDDDD}
Liu: your blog as if it's a art piece, so colourful! haha long time no see sister in law? =D
{hahaha its been a lonnngggg time since i've posted in so many colours, you're on a tagging spree yes xD haha but yup, long time no see and i just saw you ytd and i'm aware you said 11 "hi emma"s, so here's a "bye bro in law seeyou in school" xD}
ashley: waaa u so bad interupt e couple ^^
{hahhaha nevermind they'll understand they love each other even though i "broke" them apart}
ada`: lol man, you musta taken loads of time to post one post ayeee. loves!
{hahaha yup man, i took loads of time to post that post! [not this one xD] loves too adadadada!}
♥JIAYE: Why is your post so LOOONNNGGG ?-.-
{cause i was in the mood to post a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG post! spastic bimbo hellohello rarrhh! xD}
[off to eat more chocolates and start chomping on mundane maths]
[perhaps you can tell i'm currently working on adorable alliterations (and it doesn't sound quite right here D:)]
bye, and lets be anti-dead blogs nowwwwww
Thursday, September 06, 2007
i'm not going to talk about how long i took to wake up, or how i brushed my teeth, or how breakfast tasted. [well, breakfast was nice..] or i'll bore you to death.
[this is going to be a LONGGGGGGGGGG POST]
okay, had choir. i overslept AGAIN. but this time i decided to take the cab so i was only late for 5 minutes. a buck gone though D: choir was just choir, we learnt salmo150 and a zzz song called CHUA-ay. sorry. i just find the chua amusing xD
so uhm yup. we were released 20 minutes late...
rushed back home to get ky's present, change my clothes, bring my jacket yadayada.
ohwell. turned out ash and kaiying were late -.-
met at simei platform yup! and ashley, wear a shirt next time you go out LOLOL [okay insider's joke. or ashley do you get it lol]
their 10 minutes yo! x] but nevermind i wasn't very early either.
met yeni at the eunos platform, and her earrings are damn cute haha! x]
oh anyway. crapped alot during the mrt trip i think. conversations forgotten~
met jiaying at somerset~! sorry we made you wait for half an hour D:
well anyway jiaying looks pretty as usual ;]
[sorry this part is boring x[ but i like to make detailed and succinct recounts so yup. just squint your eyes and look for the [exciting] [funny] [entertaining] parts! xD]
blahblah..walked to cineleisure! went up the escalator and bought tickets
[ohman this recount is seriously boring]
uhh okay, we didn't walk 108 steps to the place [please understand this if you've watched SECRET] okay. not funny -___-
we walked up the left escalator, passed by spiderman, saw a poster with a person wearing my shoes, saw kaiying's present, saw loads of food [blueberry cheesecake!] and yadayada again!
ANYWAY! we bought our movie tickets for SECRET [3.15 show] at 7 bucks each;
mygod i think my maths has deproved or something o.O i wonder how long i took to figure out the change i had to take -.-|||
and since we were H-U-N-G-R-Y, we ran down to SUBWAY for lunch!
right. so i ate subway like, 5 days ago when i came with jiaying xinhui and ashley LOL.
but nevermind, subway is love [ashley, laugh! xD]
so yup we sat at our own places; yeni sat at xinhui's seat, and kaiying sat at the place where we put our bags! xDD
[actually the seats are not rightfully ours..but i love sitting at the same table in restaurants and stuff. like the COUPLE'S TABLE at YOSHINOYA TAMPINES! :DDDDD]
my normal orders again, COLD CUT TRIO in italian bread, with NO ONIONS and CAPSICUMS, topped with EXTRA OLIVES and toasted with CHEESE, with a squirt of HONEY MUSTARD and a dash of pepper [wait, i thought they only use it on "a dash of salt"]
jiaying had the same thing too x]
rarrrrr. and all of you please don't eating so quickly! D:
[and don't counting the number of times i uh, open my mouth and put the food back down -.-]
lunch was entertaining though.
we had ahlians waving at us,
the dance people [the rest except for me] saw their senior,
we saw a girl wearing some gothic outfit who turned out to be ky's senior last time,
and we saw the sticky flipflops that doesn't have a strap!
and can somebody tell me how did the word 'shampoo' came about? T.T
yeahyeah. went up after lunch, and while the rest were buying POPCORN and NACHOS,
yeni and i went to the TOILET! lol BLADDERPROBLEMGIRL and TOILET QUEEN xD
haha yes i've found a toilet partner too yo! *waves to yeni*
we were like "ahh quick we need the toilet! ~" [i think]
anyway the toilet there is cool! the hairdryer has a screen that shows trailers! x]]
and guess what! we walked to the wrong storey, and were feeling diaoded -.-|||
walked past a lan shop with super clear monitors~~ i like! ^^
[not the lan shop, i like the monitors~ its like so wide and clear!]
we were abit late for the movie D:
nevermind about that, we were at the second and third row, and the cinema's like, tiny! D:
i actually liked the movie without the twist -.-|||
i'm lazy to type the summary here, but i think xiaoyu is very chio! ^^
and the piano battle part was dammit cool.
and the way jay plays the piano is funny haha. his fingers are flat oO
but i heard he's a good pianist so its okay haha [no, i'm not a jay fan]
on the whole, movie was alright ba. but i can't stand the obvious computer graphics -.-||
super fake and all rarr.
and oh, i was like predicting all their moves throughtout the movie HAHA
[and surprisingly most of them were correct]
that's why i LAUGHED when something bad/mushy happened. basically i was laughing at the wrong parts cause its totally what i had predicted xD
like the part where jay kissed qingyi.
obvious thing was that xiaoyu would witness everything, then she would run away, jay would chase after her, then she'd disappear for some time. cliched storylines a guess ;]
and oh! the part of the graduation!
i was guessing jay would play the song he wanted to dedicate to xiaoyu [even though she's missing], then xiaoyu would somehow appear at the end of the graduation hall, then she would be touched and run away, then jay would stop suddenly and chase after her...
yadda, now you know why i was laughing. i'm am not SUCH a saddist okay -___-
and oh, so you can say everything is sorta cliche or that the director [jay himself] had left alot of clues all around. though i was abit lost when the just started the twist thing haha.
and anyway! during the piano battle, i thought qingyi was talking to xiaoyu?!?! [or maybe i saw wrongly] if she was, then it'll be weird because ONLY jay can see xiaoyu right.
and! how come the cleaner york can see xiaoyu? at the part where xiaoyu ran away after jay kissed qingyi. he was like, "xiaoyu pao le!"
okay, only jay can see xiaoyu right. [unless the story indicates that jay's dad can ALSO see xiaoyu in the "future"]
so there's some contradictory parts i guess. [or unless i missed out some parts]
nevertheless, i wouldn't say i've wasted my money ba ^^
anyway the movie theatre was like THIS cold. kaiying and i were hugging each other and shivering while walking HAHA.
TOILET again after movie, [haha yeni xD]
window shopping was next! :DDDD we gave up on the cineleisure, so we walked to heeren!
guess what i saw! the fountain again! it was spewing water again!
so i took my time to find a nice angle to take a shot, just as i was about to press the button down..
like fountain, walau can you stop being so mean to me man! T.T
i decided to wait for it and do some window shopping in the meantime.
went to num and uhh, alot of shops. saw alot of ASHLEY style clothes
meaning: off shoulder, with doggie prints on them xDDD
and oh, then the fountain started spewing water three or four stories high again!
so, i RAN up the escalator, hoping that i'll get a nice bird's eye view shot WITHOUT the fountain stopping while i attempt to take a shot -.-
guess what happened.........[read the below picture before i describe the situation. sorry the drawings are like seriously lousy -.- just a quick random idea while i was doing hw...]

[read it from top left to top right, then from bottom left to bottom right]
[third picture: stunned; stops in track ^^]
[last picture: T.T embarrassing is NOT a grammatical error, its meant to be my thoughts, like: sob, so embarrassing]
now, so i was running up the escalator, happily looking at my endpoint. when suddenly.
i saw a flash of green and [i can't remember what colour] in front of me. two couples hugging on the escalator. a step away from me oO
so yeah i stopped just on time, but was SADLY too close to them.
they looked at me, i swear i had this weird "oh shitttt" look on my face then -__-
and they made way for me, so i happily ran up the escalator again :D
and when i reached, jiaying ashley kaiying yeni were like
"emma! you broke the couple apart!" *laughlaughlaugh*
okay sorry couple D: according to kaiying, i've taken my pictures at the expense of a couple, HAHA!
nice one, and im sorry again okay! don't haunt me~ T.T
so here are the pictures! first three by kaiying~
[looks like fire yes]
and yes, the first photo i took
rarr rarrr.
oh and ashley. she asked if i wanted to go HMV, i was like: hmm, kinda bored of that place. but anything ba.
so she just went in in the end.
wait. i thought it was super funny at that time. might have forgotten something.
saw the SECRET cd! ^^ the one with all the piano pieces~~~~
uhh, went out after awhile. cause we were like,
"what are we doing here? -.-"
"don't know..."
"if that's the case then lets just walk out of this place -.-"
and went upstairs.
ACTION CITY is the home of many CUTE stuff! there's these cute plastic toys that spin around or move their limbs up and down when you pull a string!
and there's like dog paws and the CK [white] apple ^^
of course there were the shit soft toy and the monsters inc figurines, the massager hand and nice toy dispenser things that ashley loves haha.
so, when we were out of the shop, kaiying exclaimed:
"ohmygosh i thought that man was a statue!"
me: "*turns around* OMG haha yesyeyes. his head is SHINY .__."
ashley: "where!where! *turns and looks* *gives her zhao pai laugh* HAHAHA I THOUGHT SO TOO!"
jiaying,yeni: "*laughs*"
yes bald man at the restaurant sorry we laughed but we really thought you were a statue D:
lalala window shopping is just love! there was this interesting shop at the top storey.
you put an item into this container consisting of two concave dishes, one with a hole on it
the item you put in would be projected out! its kinda coolyes. so we tried putting my heart in it [there was a frog their initially], so that the frog looked like it was hugging the heart x]
very nice. and cute markers too!
left the place at 6 i think, on the way to the mrt we saw our $1 choco dipped double ice cream cone. nobody except ashley ate in the end though, cause we were full and i wanted something hot and salty.
[inserts jiaying's cracked ice cream picture]
hmm i haven't ask jiaying if i can post that pic up here, so for now, you'll just have the captions.
went to seven eleven! and had MASHED POTATOES! ^^
its love! :DDD but guess what, when i took the lid for the bowl, i saw this:
very hilarious. and vegetable juice is heavenly!
uhh yes, and we were supposed to spread the love about some christianity thing..
jiaying gotoff at dhobyghaut.
and oh, never lend ashley your phone esp when it contains many nice songs LOL xD
so there were ky yeni me and ash. i think we were crapping about yeni's phone call haha!
the one which made her sleep at 2+ oO
yeni hope your eyebags will be gone soon!
its kinda freaky ya. she had this forwarded msg that asked her to call a number, and when you call it there'll be a freaky canto voice...i only heard the ending. it said sth like
"i'll call you back later"
oO *shivers*
after yeni got off and ashley got off, i was left alone T.T
nevermind its only one stop anyway.
spent my time looking for the secret scores and it got sent to me via email in the end.
anyway, happy birthday kaiying!
buffoon haha! x]]
kbye~ i've got loads of undone work -.-
ashley: heyo SADDIST EMMA !!! be t ur at hm mugging now. gonna go out wif kaikai for a study date welcum to join us ehh at tm =D
{NOT a saddist! no i wasn't i was at choir -.- and yes i saw the both of you at starbucks and said hi xDDDD}
sheena: hello emma (:
{hello sheena! :DDD}
kaiying!: THANKS EMMA FUNG haha

{hahaha WELCOME KAIKAI! :D yup saw you already x] spywork is funny hahaha}
yeNi: dun call me back! haha your file is still with me!
{LOL maybe i'll call you back later! xD joking. yeah i forgot about it omg, i'll see it on monday then! and toilet partner yo!}
SIYUN: oh my gosh you racist you! no wonder!
{hahahaha, so i think only two people in the whole class knows why i suddenly laughed hysterically .__.}